sâmbătă, 6 decembrie 2014

Dirty Harry (1971) movie

Dirty Harry (1971) movie description, distribution and watch online free: The story of Harry Callahan, played by Clint Eastwood masterfully inspector is run by the law is too soft on criminals has brought hundreds of millions of dollars receipts world-famous producers of film and Eastwood. Cops in San Francisco say that laws protects criminals. Inspector Harry is however man they Penal Code is good only in essence, the application of is privilege of police. Harry with the gun solve many of his cases, changing the traditional rules of arrest.The most important counsel of his colleagues addressed is: shoot first, then summons. This axiom seems to be only available to capture a serial killer who spreads terror among women and children.
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Distribution movie Dirty Hary
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Country: USA
Year: 1971
Runtime: 102 minutes
Director movie: Don Siegel
Cast: Clint Eastwood (Harry), Andrew Robinson, John Vernon, Reni Santoni, Harry Guardino, John Larch, John Mitchum, Mae Mercer, Lyn Edgington, Ruth Kobart, Woodrow Parfrey, Josef Sommer, William Paterson, James Nolan, Maurice Argent
Rating IMDB: 7.8/10

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