sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2014

Born to Fight (2004) movie

Born to Fight (2004)

Born to Fight (2004) movie description: Thai action movie that will delight fans of the genre with numerous punches, arms and legs broken, “Seasoned” with impressive amounts of blood. But who cares about all these “small problems”, as long as the hero comes out a winner! And police Daew (Chupong Changprung) has the mission, like any hero genre, to save the if not the world, even a community in a village that had come to a glorious charity.
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Movie Born to Fight
Genres: Crime / Action
Starring: Nappon Gomarachun, Santisuk Promsiri, Dan Chupong
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Country: Thailanda
Year: 2004
IMDB Rating: 6,2

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